
Deepfake Awareness Training: A Complete Guide

With the rise of sophisticated AI technologies, the creation and dissemination of deepfakes are easier than ever, posing serious risks to businesses. For IT and security teams, implementing an effective deepfake awareness training program is crucial to protect employees and the organization as a whole.

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A Guide to Responsible Phishing Simulations

A Phishing simulator, a popular tool for training employees to recognize malicious emails, can significantly influence an organization's culture and security posture—for better or worse. Employed wisely, they enhance security and trust; mishandled, they can breed skepticism and fear.

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Free Ebook! Off The Hook: A Practical Guide to Spotting and Avoiding Phishing Threats

Introducing our latest free resource: "Off The Hook: A Practical Guide to Spotting and Avoiding Phishing Threats." Offering a deep dive into the murky waters of phishing scams and attacks.

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10 Phishing Awareness Tips for a More Vigillant Workforce

In this blog post, we'll share ten essential phishing awareness tips that you can share with your employees, empowering them to be an active part of your defense strategy against cyber threats. 

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The 5 Most Common Phishing Techniques of 2023 and How to Prevent Them (With 2024 Forecast)

In this blog post, we dive into the most prevalent phishing techniques of the year and explore strategies to safeguard against them.

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The Essential Guide to Phishing Simulators

In this blog post, we will delve into the world of phishing simulators, uncovering their pivotal role in cybersecurity training.

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